• 22 Feb 2023, 01:22 am

    I was trying to build an app using react-native on my arch and while setting up a device, it was not working based on the react-native docs. Based on the doc, a udev rule is added so that the device identified by vendor belongs to the plugdev group. The problem...

  • 11 Dec 2022, 03:16 pm

    I was trying out EC2 image builder to setup an automated solution for my releases. We don’t have too much concurrent traffic which makes it so that just one instance of EC2 is enugh to serve our needs. From what I understood, Image builder launches new instances every time. Our...

  • 23 Nov 2022, 01:43 am

    I wanted to try out vim’s regex for some time since it would probably boost my speed and efficiency. A chance came when I had to replace urls in a markdown to the standard structure. This post is an overall summary of the learnings based on my understanding (Just finished...

  • 21 Sep 2020, 11:46 am

    There was a need for me to scale an ECS Fargate service based on time. But the options provided by Fargate service did not provide scheduled scaling. The available options are Target Scaling - There are 3 metrics that can be used to scale - Average cpu utilization, average memory...

  • 17 Oct 2019, 08:21 am

    There are 2 ways to go about notifying deployment from travis to rollbar. This particular case uses redeployment_hook from a cloud provider (cloud66 used here) and hence we are going to use before_deploy and after_deploy jobs to do it. Rollbar has an api which can be used to get notified...

  • 22 Jun 2019, 08:20 am

    There was not much of a change with the docker-compose file version. Just had to change the version from 2 to 3.7. # docker-compose.yaml version '2' # docker-compose.yaml version '3.7' Docker-compose 2 is compatible with docker engine versions 1.10.0+ while 3.7 is only compatible with 18.06.0+. So if the docker...

  • 22 Jun 2019, 08:20 am

    This would require some code changes as well. First update the docker-compose.yaml file to get the image for elasticsearch version 6.3.2 # docker-compose.yaml services: elasticsearch: image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.3.2 Elasticsearch 6 has some breaking changes. The mapping type string is no longer allowed for indexing. It is split into text and keyword....

  • 22 Jun 2019, 08:19 am

    Direct migration from postgresql to aurora is only supported for postgres engine versions 9.6.3 and 9.6.6. We had the version 9.6.11 which could not have a direct transition to aurora. So a couple more of steps had to be taken for the migration of postgres db to aurora. The process...

  • 30 Mar 2017, 02:59 pm

    I had a situation where I had to get a dump of postgresql database. I tried pg_dump but the output was required in csv. I got stuck and went over to stackoverflow for rescue. From there I got a working script. But there was a slight problem. I didn’t know...

  • 02 Nov 2016, 08:48 am

    I tried to create a ruby gem of my own and apparently it went well. This gem is for uploading videos to vimeo. It also has a part where it changes the title of an already uploaded video as well. The gem can be found in Github and RubyGems. Please...

  • 12 Apr 2016, 09:40 pm

    I did a project where I had to integrate 2 payment systems (Paypal and PayU) in a rails app. I read through gems and APIs for both and it seemed easy. It was later that I heard of Active Merchant which has almost all payment gateways available. I searched google...

  • 23 Mar 2016, 01:08 pm

    I tried deployment for the first time. Everyone told that it was a difficult thing to do. So I was actually afraid. I read through a tutorial and tried to do it. But there were some problems in the tutorial which I had to fix after trying many things. So...

  • 15 Mar 2016, 04:35 pm

    Yesterday I had to do some task across all files in a directory. The directory had subdirectories which in turn had subdirectories again. Although I know that there was a Dir module in ruby, I didn’t know that it would have the function necessary. But when I googled I found...

  • 13 Oct 2015, 05:20 pm

    I am going to implement a very simple text search. The text is done based on title. It can be easily improved to include other search items as well. For this there are not too many things you need. Its just a search bar and a filter in controller. I...

  • 12 Oct 2015, 04:41 pm

    Earlier today I had to fetch records after eagerloading associations. Mine was a triple nested resource. I went through the rails guides and apis but couldn’t find anything other than eagerloading them. I couldn’t find any way to give them conditions. After lots of trials and errors I got an...

  • 23 Sep 2015, 09:12 pm

    This post explains the steps needed to setup ‘TwoCheckout’ payment gateway with rails. Its pretty easy since there is a gem made to integrate twocheckout into rails. I am writing this post to make it easier for those who want to integrate them. I met with some problems when I...

  • 21 Sep 2015, 07:12 pm

    Yesterday I had to setup an Amazon S3 bucket to move all the uploaded files to cloud. It was an urgent task because we lost our data once due to our server crashing. It is a pretty easy task but I got stuck somewhere due to my foolishness. So if...

  • 10 Sep 2015, 04:45 pm

    Last week I was trying to setup dynamic select boxes in rails. At the begining I tried to use collection_select form helper to setup both the select boxes. I was planning to do the filtering using JS. But I was unsuccessful in that. Then while I went through the rails...

  • 09 Jun 2015, 11:33 pm

    I went to the startup village to participate in the hackathon - Angel hack 2015. I was alone but with luck I found one of my aquaintances over there who was also alone. So we got together as a team and began developing. We had to develop an application in...

  • 12 Sep 2014, 11:31 pm

    Hi there. I just wrote a ruby script to automate the publishing to my blog. Since the naming of posts is in a certain case, it was giving me a headache to manually type the filename. This made me think of writing a script to automate the filenaming process. Then...

  • 11 Sep 2014, 07:57 pm

    I upgraded to Debian Jessie from Wheezy 2-3 months back. When I first started using it I was annoyed by the new activities menu which did not have the catagories and the halt and logout which are integrated into the user names and so on (I am speaking of GNOME)....

  • 27 Jul 2014, 10:40 pm

    I just upgraded from Debian 7 - Wheezy to Jessie which is right now the Testing. Jessie uses GNOME 3.12. It has good graphics but truly speaking, I like 3.4 better - the one from wheezy. After the upgrade, all the hidden files were shown by default. I didn’t know...

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