I just upgraded from Debian 7 - Wheezy to Jessie which is right now the Testing. Jessie uses GNOME 3.12. It has good graphics but truly speaking, I like 3.4 better - the one from wheezy.
After the upgrade, all the hidden files were shown by default. I didn’t know how to correct it. I searched the web and almost all the sites said click on Edit->Preferences. The thing is that there is no menu bar in Nautilus. I searched and searched and I finally got an answer. Ubuntu forums gave me an answer.
You have to go to the dconf-editor. Just run the command
~$ dconf-editor
and in the window which gets opened navigate to org->gtk->settings->file-chooser and check or uncheck the show-hidden option as per your need. Now exit and the task is done.
I didn’t like 3.12 so much. I plan to install KDE or XFCE.