Recurse over a directory & Convert file encoding
15 Mar 2016, 04:35 pm
Yesterday I had to do some task across all files in a directory. The directory had subdirectories which in turn had subdirectories again. Although I know that there was a Dir
module in ruby, I didn’t know that it would have the function necessary. But when I googled I found a method named glob
in the Dir
module. So I am just writing this post to show how it works.
Dir.glob("/path/to/main/dir/\*\*/\*\*/*.html").each do |s|
# \*\* is for subdirectory and * is for file
# It returns an array of path to the files
s =
# Do whatever you want
This is particularly easy but I was wondering how much time I took.
Also there was another problem due to encoding. These files were encoded in windows-1252. I used my dear linux to fix it.
]$ find . -type f -name '*.html' -exec iconv -f windows-1252 -t utf-8 "{}" -o "{}" \;
# This command finds all files with name ending with **html**
# and runs **iconv** to convert them to utf-8 and replaces the files.
These are some easy ones. But it actually took me a whole day to find all this. (Well not a whole day :))